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constant exchanges of representatives, missions, hostages, citizens. The peace delegation at Kiev was the object of continual threats of arbitrary interference on the part of the white guard bands which were dominant during the last period of the Hetmanism. Toward our peace delegation a system of provocation and calumnny was used which justified the expectation of the worst results. On December 14 occurred the exchange of our representatives and consulates in Ukraine for the Ukrainian consulates which were returning from Russia. The exchange of the Entente representatives required the most diplomatic red tape. A number of neutral missions and consulates intervened in this affair, and, their intervention forced us to release in exchange for Comrade Litvinov and other comrades in England also the French diplomatic and consular representatives. The French military mission remained in Russia to be exchanged for our soldiers in France. The American representatives were allowed to depart without any exchange, owing to the special position which the United States had occupied toward us all the time and which we expected to continue in the future. Finally, on October 14, Comrade Litvinov arrived in Petrograd. Almost at the same time with our Berlin representative, Comrade Berzin and the other members and collaborators of our embassy arrived in Switzerland. Comrade Rosin, whom we appointed to Holland, notwithstanding the official consent of the latter to his mission, could not get further than Berlin, and immediately thereafter the Dutch Government recalled all its representatives from Russia. Similar action was taken by Spain. In December Comrade Vorovsky was requested to leave Stockholm. His final departure took place about the end of January. After Norway and Denmark had broken diplomatic relations with us, the sole foreign representative