Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/562

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538 Index of Subjects Kaph veritatis, ii8 x. K«thibh, 17 a-c. Lamed auetoris, 129 c. Lamentation metre, 2 r. Letters, forms and names of, 5 a, h, e, / : final, 5 c : order of, 5 h, i -. numerical value, 5 k. Litterae dilatabiles, 5 d : maiusculae, minusculae, suspensae, 5^1: spi- rantes, 6 n : quiescibiles, 8 A n, 23 : incompatibiles, 30 m n : serviles, 30 jr, 81 6 : compaginis, 90 k-o. Loan-words in Hebrew and Greek, i i. Locative, 90 a, c-i. Mandaeans, i c. Mappiq, 8 wi n 1, 14 a-d : omitted in 3rd fem. sing, suffix of verb, 58 g: of noun, 91 e : in PO, 103 gr (end) : found four times in N, 14 d. Maqqeph, 9m(c, d), 16 a, b. Masculine as prior gender, 122 g, 146 d: masc. nouns with plur. in ni-, 87 m-p. Masora and Masoretic text, 3 6, c : masora marginalis (magna and parva) and finalis, j'j d, e. Masoretic terms explained, 17 e. Material expressed by tho genitive, 128 0, 135 n. Matres lectionis, 8 h ta. MeSa' inscription, i b (ii),fc, 2 d, final vowels in, 7 6-d n^: •]:X = "'33X p. 105 n: Nn = Nin, 32 &n: waw consecutive, 49 a n: the forms DnnSt, &c., 54 Z: nSD^, 69 an: ljy>*) 75 & N : fem. sing. abs. in D-, 80/ n: plur. masc. in [-, 87 e n : suffixes, 91 A; N : the imperfect, 107 6 N^: impf. consec. iiiAn: article omitted with DNT though the noun has it, 126 y: use of the separate pronoun, 135 a n: casus pendens, 143 6n. Metathesis, see Transposition. Metheg, distinguishing a from 0, 9 u, V : marks secondary tone, 15 c, 29 b, 20/: various kinds of, 16 c-i : with Bhort vowel in open syllable, 26 i~l (but cf. n) : with sere in closed ultima, 29/: in perf. consec. 49 i. Metre in Hebrew, 2 r. Mil'el and Milra', 15 c, 20/. Mishna, 3 a. Mixed forms, 78 d. Moods, expression of, 40 a, 106 p, 107 m-x : modus rei repetitae (im- perf. as frequentative), 107 e. Multiplicatives (once, twice, &c.), how expressed, 1 34 r. Nabataean inscriptions, i c. Naphthali, ben, 'j h s. Names of countries, peoples, and towns, fem., 1221: of places and peoples with the article, 125 ti n, e : with a following genitive, 125 h. Nasog ahor, 29 e. Negative sentences, 152. Negatives, 152 : two negatives in- tensify negation, 152 1/ : influence extending over a following clause, 152 3. Neuter, wanting in Hebrew, 80 a: expressed by feminine, 1223 with n, 135 P : by plur. of adjectives, 1223: by suffix of 3rd plur., 135 p; in pronoun, 136 6, in verb, 144 b, c. Niph'al, 51 : tolerativum, 51 c : re- flexive and reciprocal senses of, 51 c-e: infin. with H elided after a preposition, 51 L Nithqattel, 55 k (9). Nomen regens and rectum, 89 a. Nomen unitatis, 122 t. Nominativus pendens resumed by a pronoun, 143. North Semitic, i c Nota accusativi, 57 : when used, 117 a-e. Nothing, no one, how expressed, 1 39 d. Noun-clauses, ptcp. in, 116 »i-r: de- fined, 1400: syntax of, 141 : short- ened unusually (rare), 1476: nega- tived by px and iS, 152 a, d, i-m: relative, 155 e. Noun-forms with verbal force (nomina verbi), 45 e (with prefixed Template:Hebrew missin), 115 d. Nouns, derivation and various kinds of, 81 : primitive, 30 /, 79 a, 82 : on nouns in general, 83 : forms do- rived from the simple stem, 84**, from intensive stems, 84^ : nouns formed with preformatives (X , n , D, &c.), 85 b-r, with afi"ormatives, 85S-V: quadriliterals and quinque- literals, 85 w : denominatives, 86 : with pronominal suffixes, 91 : para- digms of, 93 : forms with peculiar flexion (3K^ HN, &c.), 96 : distinc- tions of gender in, 122 : collectives, 123a, b: with the article, 126: ap- pellatives, 125 e~jr: nomina unitatis, 122 s, t, 123 b : abstracts, see Ab- stract. See also Names. Number in the construction of subject and predicate, 145.