Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Hooper.djvu/438

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For all is lawful that them liketh.
To whom that els-e it misliketh,
And eké right in the self kind[1]
In great cities men may find.
Thus lusty folk, that make them gay,
And wait upon the holy-day,
In churches, and in minsters eke,
They go the women for to seek,
And where that such one goeth about,
Before the fairest of the rout;
Where as they sitten all a row.
There will he most his body show;
His crooked kempt[2] and thereon set
An ouch-e[3] with a chap-e-let,
Or else one of green leaves,
Which late come out-e of the greves.[4]
All for[5] he should seem fresh:
And thus he looketh on his flesh,
Right as a hawk which hath a sight
Upon the fowl, there he shall light;
And as he were a faëry,
He sheweth him before her eye,
In holy plac-e where they sit.
All for to make their heart-es flytte.[6]
His eye no where will abide,
But look and pry on every side,
On her and her, as him best liketh,
And other while, among he siketh;[7]
Thinketh "One of them that was for me,"
And so there thinketh two or three;
And yet he loveth none at all.
But where as ever his chanc-e fall.
And nath-e-less to say a sooth
The cause why that he so doth,
Is for to steal a heart or two,
Out of the church ere that he go.
And as I said it here above,
All is that sacrilege of love,
For well may be that he stealeth away,
That he never after yield may.[8]
"Tell me for this, my son, anon,
Hast thou done sacrilege, or none,[9]
As I have said in this mannér?"
"My father, as of this mattér,
I will you tellen readily
What I have done; but tru-e-ly
I may excus-e mine intent
That I never yet to church went

  1. Selfsame kind.
  2. His crooked or disorderly hair, combed.
  3. Brooch.
  4. Woods.
  5. In order that.
  6. Beat, palpitate.
  7. Sigheth.
  8. Restore again.
  9. Not.