Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Hooper.djvu/440

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Is from my purpose wonder far.
So may I say, as I said ere,[1]
In holy church if that I vow,
My con-sci-énce I would allow
Be so, that on amend-e-ment,
I might-e get assign-e-ment;[2]
Where, for to speed in other place,
Such sacrilege I hold a grace.
"And thus, my father, sooth to say,
In church-e right as in the way,
If I might ought of lov-e take
Such hansel[3] have I nought forsake.
But finally, I me confess,
There is in me no holinéss,
While her I see in holy stead,
And yet for aught that ever I did,
No sacrilege of her I took.
But[4] it were of word or look.
Or els-e if that I her freed,[5]
When I towárd offeríng[6] her lead,
Take thereof what I take may,
For els-e bear I nought away.
For tho' I wold-e ought else have,
All other thing-es be so safe,
And kept with such a privilege,
That I may do no sacrilege.
God wote[7] my will nath-e-less,
Though I must need-es keep-e peace,
And maugre mine so let it pass,
My will thereto is not the lass,[8]
If I might otherwise away.
"For this, my father, I you pray
Tell what you thinketh thereupon,
If I thereof have guilt or none."
"Thy will, my son, is for to blame,
The rem-e-nant is but a game
That I have thee told as yet.
But take this lore into thy wit,
That all things have time and stead.
The church serveth for the bead,[9]
The chamber is of an other speech:
But if thou wistest of the wreche,[10]
How sacrilege it hath abought,
Thou woldest better be bethought."

Confessio Amantis, lib. v. fol. 122, ed. 1532.

  1. Before.
  2. Assignation.
  3. "Estreiné; handselled: that hath the handsell or first use of."Cotgrave. The word is still extant.
  4. Except.
  5. This perhaps signifies made free with.
  6. Altar; place of offering.
  7. Knows.
  8. Less.
  9. Prayer.
  10. Work.