Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/104

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to arrange the affairs of his family, and I, in the meantime, will become his surety, and remain in prison." "On such a day," replied the judge, "he, with some others, will be executed; if, upon that day, he return not before a certain hour, look you to it: your death is inevitable." "My lord," answered the man, "I am prepared for the worst." "Let him go then: I consent to your wishes." The judge ordered the substitute to be ironed, and placed in prison in the room of his friend, who immediately set out to his family. So long, however, did he postpone his return, that the day of execution arrived, and his pledge was unredeemed. The latter, therefore, was brought, with many others, to the seat of judgment. "Where is your friend?" said the judge; "he has not arrived to make good his word." "I hope the best, my lord," replied the other; "I do not think he will fail me." Some time passed over, and still he came not; and the prisoner was at length conducted to the cross. "You must attribute your death to yourself," said the judge, "do not charge it upon me. You have rashly