Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/146

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low; "she is my wife, whom I have taken in adultery, and I therefore menaced her with death." "Do not believe it, my lord," said the girl, "I never was his wife, nor ever guilty of any impropriety, until treacherously mal-treated by this ruffian. Help me, then, I implore you." "I perceive plainly," said the knight, "that this wretch has oppressed you, and I will therefore free you from his hands." "You will do this at your peril," answered the other; "I will defend my right to the last." Saying which, he prepared himself for a contest. After a desperate struggle, the knight obtained the victory, but was dangerously wounded. He then said to the lady, "Are you pleased to espouse me?" "Willingly," returned she, "I wish it from my heart, and here pledge my faith." This done, the knight said, "You shall reside in my castle for a few days; and in the mean time, I will go to my parents, and provide every thing requisite for our union. After that, I will return, and espouse you with great splendour." "I am ready to obey you in all things," answered the lady; and the knight having placed her