Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/29

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would give an answer. That day came; and in the presence of all the assembled nobles, she arose and spoke thus. "Since my lord Gregory has valiantly and effectually liberated both us and our kingdom from the thraldom of oppressive foes, I will receive him for my husband." The audience rejoiced; and an early period was fixed for the celebration of their nuptials. They were then espoused with the approbation of the whole country—the son to his own mother: but both were ignorant of the relationship. They loved each other tenderly: it happened, however, that the lord Gregory, on one particular occasion went out to hunt; and a handmaid of the queen, said to her, "Dear lady, have you not offended my lord in something?" "Surely not," returned she, "I believe that there is not in the whole world a married pair so mutually attached to each other, as we are. But why do you ask?" "Because," said the handmaid, "every day my lord enters his private chamber in great apparent pleasure; but when he returns it is with lamentation and wailing. After that he washes his