Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/298

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nagoras, and am prince of this city. Observing your fleet riding at anchor from the shore, I was attracted by it; and amongst other things, being struck with the superior structure of this vessel, your sailors invited me on board. I enquired for their lord, and they answered that he was overwhelmed with grief. I have therefore ventured hither, in the hope of administering comfort to you, and drawing you once more into the light of joy. I pray God that it may prove so." Apollonius raised his head, "Whomsoever you are, go in peace. I am unworthy to appear at the banquet; and I do not desire to live." Perplexed, yet anxious to console the unhappy king, Athanagoras returned upon deck; and despatched a messenger to Leno, to require the immediate presence of Tharsia, whose musical skill and eloquence, he thought, could not but produce some effect. (78) She came, and received instructions from the prince. "If you succeed," said he, "in softening this royal person's affliction, I will present to you thirty gold sestertia, and as many of silver; moreover, for thirty days redeem you from the power of