Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/368

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ance, she presented to him a ring. "Take this ring, and as often as you look upon it in your pilgrimage, think of me. I will await, with patience, your return." The knight bade her farewell, and departed in company with Tyrius. As for the lady, she gave herself up to her sorrows for many days, and would not be consoled. In due time, she brought forth a son of extreme beauty, and tenderly watched over his infant years.

Guido and Tyrius, in the meanwhile, passed through many countries; and heard at last that the kingdom of Dacia[1] had been subdued by the infidels. "My friend," said Guido, to his associate, "do you enter this kingdom; and since the king of it is a Christian, assist him with all your power. I will proceed to the Holy Land; and when I have combated against the foes of Christ, I will return to you, and we will joyfully retrace our steps to England." "Whatever pleases you," replied his friend, "shall please me. I will enter this kingdom; and if you live, come to

  1. A country of Scythia beyond Hungary; divided into Transylvania, Walachia, and Moldavia.