Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/420

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In a chaysel[1] smock she lay,
And in a mantle of douay[2];
Of the brightness of her face
All about shone the place,—
Herbs he took in an herber[3],
And stamped them in a mortar,
And wrung it in a box:
After, he took virgin wox[4],
And made a puppet of the queen,
His art-table he 'gan unwene[5];
The queen's name in the wax he wrote,
While it was some deal hot:
In a bed he did dight,
All about with candle-light,
And spread thereon of the herbis:
Thus charmed Nectanabus.
The lady in her bed lay
About midnight, ere the day,
Whiles he made conjuring,
She saw fly in her metyng[6]
She thought a dragon light;
To her chamber he made his flight,
In he came to her bower
And crept under her coverture."

  1. Qu. Choisel? i. e. choice.
  2. Kind of cloth.
  3. A receptacle for herbs.
  4. Wax.
  5. His table or book of art he began to unclose.
  6. "Dream."—Warton.