Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/451

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Gentle maidens two;
Their kirtles were of Ind sandal[1]
Ylaced small, jolyf[2] and well,
There might none gayer go.
Their mantles were of green velvet,
Y bordered with gold right well y set,
Y pelured[3] with gris and gro[4].
Their head-es were well dight withal,
Each had on a jolyf coronal
With sixty gems and mo[5].
Their faces were white as snow on down,
Their rode[6] was red, their eyen were brown,
I saw never none such.
The one bare of gold a basin,
That other a towel white and fine,
Of silk that was good and rich.
Their kerchiefs wer well schyre[7]
Arrayed with a rich gold wire."—Warton.

  1. Indian silk. Cendal Fr. See Du Fresne.
  2. Pretty.
  3. Furred.
  4. Gris is Fur; gris and gro [gray; meaning perhaps gray fur] is a common phrase in the metrical romances.
  5. More.
  6. Complexion.
  7. Cut.