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Vol. 2
January, 1927
No. 1

CONTENTS Never Scoff at a Ghost . . . an Editorial by GEORGE WILLIAM WILDER '7

The Specter of the Yellow Quarter . . . By "John Smith," as told to ALAN VAN HOESEN 8

What could bring an old Celestial like Tsing Lai Low back from the dead?

Johnny Kelly's Christmas Ghost . . . By ANTOINETTE GREGORY, as related by EDWIN A. GOEWEY 12

Possession is nine points of the law. At least "Santa Claus" thought so

"They Who Play With Sacred Things——" . . . By JIM KIRKLAND, told to MARK MELLEN 14

Jennings should have treated seriously the spiritual advice given him

The Black Spider . . . EDMUND SNELL 17

This Jap thought he could improve on universal law

The Woman With Two Souls . . . By ALLAN GORDON, narrated by J. PAUL SUTER 20

Can two souls merge into one?

Can the Spirits of the Dead be Photographed? . . . SAMRI FRIKELL 24

Science has gone far in this age. Read what the next step may be

Out of a Gleaming Tomb . . . RALPH DURHAM 26

Out of a tomb Ralph Durham's father returned to earth, to reveal an astounding secret

They Hanged a Phantom for Murder . . . By "DOCTOR GREY," told by R. CUMMINGS 29

Can a phantom really be hanged? This man came back from the spirit plane, and then——

Pawn of the Unseen . . . LYON MEARSON 32

Arrows don't fly through the air of their own volition. Yet who in that house of death could send a messenger of death to the man who loved Lenore?

The Doll That Came to Life . . . By ARTHUR BRANSCOMBE, told to VICTOR ROUSSEAU 35

Was it only a doll? How then could it talk?

"What a Man Sows——" . . . COLONEL NORMAN G. THWAITES 38

Sow kindness and reap kindness. Sow brutality and reap a terrible reward

NEXT!——Within Four Creeping Walls . . . ROBERT SNEDDON 40

Auto-suggestion is powerful. Can it drive a man to suicide?

Under the Spell of the Red Circle . . . WILBERT WADLEIGH 43

Professor Travers realizes the deadliness of the Red Circle when it seems too late to save the beautiful Evelyn

The Man Who Died Twice . . . FRANK BELKNAP LONG, JR. 46

This man was dead—and didn't know it!


Spirit Tales——Timely Topics of Current Psychic Interest . . . 50

$10,000 Offered for Ghosts . . . 57

Were You Born in December? Let the Stars Determine Your Fate . . . 58

Publiahed Monthly by THE CONSTRUCTIVE PUBLISHING CORPORATION. Washington and South Avee., Dunellen. N. J.

Editorial General Offices. Macfadden Building. 1926 Broadway. N. Y.

William C. W. Durand, Pwfd«ri William Thompson^, Secretary A. Hraiy Ypnng. Adwrtwsne A/a»<j««r

Entered as second class matter April 30th, 1926. at the Post Office at Dunellen. N. J.. under the act of March 3rd. 1879. Additional entry at New York. N. Y. Copyright, 1926. by THE CONSTTIUCTIVE PUBLISHING CORPORATION. New York, in the United States. Canada and Great Britain. All rights reserved. Price 2Sc a copy. Subscription price $3.00 a year in the United States and its possessions: also Canada. Cuba. Mexico and Panama.

All other countries $4.00 per year.

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London Agents: Atlas Publishing 8c Distributing Co.. Ltd.. 18 Bride Lane. London. E. C.

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