Page:Ghost Stories v02n02 (1927-02).djvu/41

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Huqh Purcell slaked his happiness, his busi¬ ness success, his ALL on one chance of communicdinq wilh lhe dead, and -

Black and white photo of a man in a suit reading at a desk
Black and white photo of a man in a suit reading at a desk

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F r o n t i e r

E VERY person has one suprême story about himself to tell. So at least it is said.

I hâve long been an investigator of psychic



The eyent that started me down a strange path was the death several years ago of the girl to whom I was en- gaged. Her name was Emily Greenway. We had met at

By Hugh Docre Purcell

Narraîed by W. Adolphe Roberls