Page:Ginzburg - The Legends of the Jews - Volume 1.djvu/37

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The Legends of the Jews

The separation of the waters into upper and lower waters was the only act of the sort done by God in connection with the work of creation.49 All other acts were unifying. It therefore caused some difficulties. When God commanded, “Let the waters be gathered together, unto one place, and let the dry land appear,” certain parts refused to obey. They embraced each other all the more closely. In His wrath at the waters, God determined to let the whole of creation resolve itself into chaos again. He summoned the Angel of the Face, and ordered him to destroy the world. The angel opened his eyes wide, and scorching fires and thick clouds rolled forth from them, while he cried out, “He who divides the Red Sea in sunder!”—and the rebellious waters stood. The all, however, was still in danger of destruction. Then began the singer of God’s praises: “O Lord of the world, in days to come Thy creatures will sing praises without end to Thee, they will bless Thee boundlessly, and they will glorify Thee without measure. Thou wilt set Abraham apart from all mankind as Thine own; one of his sons Thou wilt call ‘My first-born’; and his descendants will take the yoke of Thy kingdom upon themselves. In holiness and purity Thou wilt bestow Thy Torah upon them, with the words, ‘I am the Lord your God’ whereunto they will make answer,’ All that God hath spoken we will do.’ And now I beseech Thee, have pity upon Thy world, destroy it not, for if Thou destroyest it, who will fulfil Thy will?” God was pacified; He withdrew the command ordaining the destruction of the world, but the waters He put under the mountains, to remain there forever.50

The objection of the lower waters to division and sep-