Page:Gissing - The Nether World, vol. III, 1889.djvu/244

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it would be wealth. Excellent Mrs. Byass was as good a guardian as could anywhere be found, and Jane’s discretion forbade any fear on her account when—business should take him away.

“Well now, we’ve talked quite long enough. Don’t think for a moment that you hadn’t your grandfather’s confidence, my dear; it would be distressing yourself wholly without reason—wholly. Be a good girl—why, there you see; I speak to you as if you were a child. And so you are, poor little girl!—far too young to have worldly troubles. No, no; I must relieve you of all that, until——. Well now, I’ll leave you for to-day. Good-bye, my dear.”

He kissed her cheek, but Jane, sobbing a little, put her pure lips to his. Joseph looked about him for an instant as if he had forgotten something, then departed with what seemed unnecessary haste.

Jane and Mrs. Byass had a long talk before dinner-time. Mystery was at an end between them now; they talked much of the past, more of the future.

At two o’clock Jane received a visit from Miss Lant. This lady was already apprised by her friend Mr. Percival of all that had come