Page:Gissing - The Nether World, vol. III, 1889.djvu/302

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sities. As a town traveller there was no possibility, he alleged, of declining invitations to refresh himself; just as incumbent upon him was it to extend casual hospitality to those with whom he had business.

“Business! Fiddle!” cried Bessie. “All you City fellows are the same. You encourage each other in drink, drink, drinking whenever you have a chance, and then you say it’s all a matter of business. I won’t have you coming home in that state, so there! I won’t have a husband as drinks! Why, you can’t stand straight.”

“Can’t stand straight!” echoed Sam, with vast scorn. “Look here!”

And he shouldered the poker, with the result that one of the globes on the chandelier came in shivers about his head. This was too much. Bessie fumed, and for a couple of hours the quarrel was unappeasable.

Worse was to come. Sam occasionally stayed out very late at night, and on his return alleged a “business appointment.” Bessie at length refused to accept these excuses; she couldn’t and wouldn’t believe them.

“Then don’t!” shouted Sam. “And understand that I shall come home just when I like.