Page:Gleanings from Germany (1839).djvu/49

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procure myself a real reviving feeling of joy, I frequently and secretly used to retire, bending my steps towards the top of the highest of their potatoe hills, and, turning myself towards the distant land where dwelt my Liesli, and addressing myself to the zephyrs playing around me, I besought them to convey to her my affectionate greetings, and most ardent wishes.

Three months were still wanting to complete the appointed time—the year, at the end of which I was to renew my enquiries at the hermitage; when, just at this period, an obstacle presented itself, so as to render it doubtful whether or not I should attain the object of my most anxious desires. The unwelcome hindrance which waylaid me so unexpectedly, was nothing more or less than a skin of parchment, covered and decorated with chancery scrawls and calligraphic figures, bearing my nomination from government to a situation at once honourable and lucrative. My friends congratulated, whilst they at the same time envied me, though I would most willingly have parted with place, and every honour and title it might bring with it, for a trifle, nay, even gratis; for now, no longer must I think of a journey to Switzerland! What would the prince, what would my superiors in office say to my requesting leave of absence for three months, just after my appointment? I did not, however, altogether renounce the hope of obtaining it; love surmounts every obstacle. I resolved to inform the minister candidly, that I intended to marry, and request permission to go and fetch my bride home from her native country.

But what if I did not succeed in finding Liesli? And, should I return home without a wife, would not the minister most naturally conclude I had received a refusal? Might not this be extremely injurious to me in my new appointment? Ought I to explain to a man of such high importance, buried amidst his diplomatic duties, the tale of my love to the Swiss maiden, and my adventures with her and the hermit? Yet, in spite of this reasoning, I had just determined on putting mv plan into execution, when I received, quite unexpectedly, the