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Jem’s Mother.

SCENE.–A parlour with table set for tea. Fireplace at side opposite door. Candles, photographs, etc., on shelf. A sofa or settee on which lies a new hat. Lamp burning. Mrs. Fayle and Lizzie talking earnestly.

Mrs. F.: So that’s the way it is, Lizzie veen, an'’ I have net felt so cheered this long time as I am to-night. There’s something seems to have been goin’ beside me all day long whisperin’: “He will come back; he will come back”; an’ I believe well it is this everin’ itself that he will come. Have you got the Book there, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Yes, sure; an’ the key of the house door to put in it. We’ll try it again, Mrs. Fayle, before anyone comes in.

Mrs. F.: Yes, chile, yes; try it now careful an’ serious. Three times have it opened at the same place this week when we have been together, an’ I believe it an’ all is tellin’ us for to hope.

Lizzie fetches old Manx Bible, dusts it reverently, and lays it on table. With Mrs. Fayle’s hand over her eyes, she opens the Book at random, slips key in, and closes it again. They stand a moment looking at each other.

Mrs. F.: Now, Lizzie, open quick an’ see what words the head of the key is touchin’.

Lizzie opens Book half fearfully; Mrs. Fayle watching, with hands pressed over her heart.