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to have will come and look over your shoulder in the glass. Still an’ for all it’s middlin’ serious thryin’ them things. I don’t know have I got the nerve! But it’s early yet, an’ besides there’ll not he no ill-wans goin’ about to-night when all Them Others is goin’ through the world. I’ll thry it anyhow.

Goes up to mirror and looks at herself smilingly, admiring the hat. Enter Bobby, who, seeing Kirry, tip-toes towards her and grins over her shoulder in the glass. Kirry turns round with a shriek, and hits him smartly.

Kirry: You young limb! How dare you be doin’ imperence upon me like that. I’ll tell your Daa as sure’s you’re livin’. What do you want comin’ in other people’s houses when they're out and terrifying the people!

Bobby: What do you want, Kirry Cregeen–oomin’ in other people’s houses when they’re out,–an’ eatin’ other people’s cakes?

Kirry: Don’t you be givin’ me none of your sauce now.

Tries to catch and slap him. Robby escapes each time, grinning and jeering.

Booby: Who ate the cakes, Kirry?

Kirry: How dare you say I ate the cakes.

Bobby: I didn’t say you ate the cakes, now!

Kirry: Then how dare you say I touched the cakes!

Bobby: I didn’t see you touch the cakes; I only guessed it because you were so mad. I don't spy on other people through the windows–an’ I don’t go for to thry on other people’s new hats either.

Kirry: Bobby, darlin’, be quate now. I only took wan lil teener wan jus’ to see were they keepin’ hot for Lizzie. Don’t tell on me an’ I’ll give you a sweetie when I’m down on Sunday. [Puts cover over cakes.]

Bobby: Conversation lozenges, Kirry?

Kirry: Yes, sure; lozengers with red an’ yaller pothry an’ conundrums.