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a knife now, Lizzie, an’ stan’ yon back (sheer and watch. You mus’n’t speak wan word, for you don’t know who mite be hearin’. Turn the lamp down now an’ be quate.

Sits down and slowly peels apple in one piece. Throws the peel over her shoulder, and wait; while Lizzie looks carefully at the peel on the floor.

Lizzie [slowly]: Well now, I wouldn’ thruss but it’s–

Kirry: Yes, yes! What gel?

Lizzie: Is it–a double-u?

Kirry: Yes, sure! Why not?

Lizzie: Or perhaps it might be–M.

Kirry [sharply]: Aw no, not at all. Give another look, Lizzie, an’ maybe if you gave it a lil shove with the poker–

Lizzie: No, no, that wouldn’t do at all. W, it is, though, as sure’s you’re theer.

Kirry: That’s good now [looking pleased]. W. might stand for–well for–a name like Watterson, mightn’t it? Still an’ for all there’s no sayin’! [Wistfully]: Well now, surely he’ll come forward an’ make up his mind soon now–but the mother is coorse terrible an’ detarmined he’s not to get married–she’s not want in’ no gels about–shooin’ them aiway as if they was–

Bobby [at door]: Cats!

Kirry [rushing aft him]: Are you there again, you young torment!

Bobby dodges, and goes to Lizzie.

Lizzie: Well, Bobby, what’s doin’ on you now?

Hobby: Lizzie, there’s a Mr. Wattorson in at our plaee. [Kirry looks interested.] An’ he was askin’ if Miss Cregeen was gone home from the town yet–

Kirry: Dear me, Bobby darlin’, an’ what did you say?

Bobby [to Lizzie]: I toul him I thought Miss Oregeen was gone home this hour since.

Kirry: You didn’t! How dare you, Bobby, go for to say such a thing.