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  • chery," said the female gipsey:—this conduct

is unpardonable: good faith and good fellowship were ever our characteristics." "You should not exert your power" answered the young man, "against those who seem so little willing to use the same weapons in return. I will answer for it that, though under a thousand masks, the lady you have attacked, would never say an ill natured thing" "Take care of her goodnature then," said the gipsey archly:—it may be more fatal."

The gipsey then went off, with the rest of her party; but Aaron remained, and, as if much pleased with the gentleness of Lady Avondale's behaviour, followed her. "Who are you?" said she. "I will not take the arm of one who is ashamed of his name"—"And yet it is only thus unknown, I can hope to find favour." "Did I ever see you before?" "I have often had the happiness of seeing you:—but am I then really so altered?" said he turning to her, and looking full