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Viviani;—"that which seems, is not:—that which is, seems not: we should neither trust our eyes nor ears, in a world like this. But time, which ripens all things, shall disclose the secrets even of the dead."

A short time after this conversation with Gondimar, Viviani took leave of him. He informed him fully of his projects; and Lady Margaret was also consulted upon the occasion. "What is become of your menaced vengeance," she said, smiling upon him, in their last parting interview. He laughed at the remembrance of his words. "Am I the object now of your abhorrence," she said, placing her white hand carelessly upon his head. "Not absolutely," replied the young Count, shrinking, however, from the pressure of that hand. "Touch me not," he whispered more earnestly, "it thrills through my soul.—Keep those endearments for Dartford: leave me in