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his house, not only to them, but to the whole party at Castle Delaval; if they could make up their minds to accept Sir George's invitation, and dine on board the Royal William on the 4th of June, in commemoration of that day and its success. There were few, if any, of those invited who refused; but none accepted the invitation with so much enthusiasm as Calantha. The letter from Sir George Buchanan to Lady Margaret, was as follows:—

"Cork, June 1st, 1796.

"My dear Lady Margaret,

"In answer to a letter which I received this morning, dated May 29th, ult. I request the honour of your Ladyship's company on board the Royal William, now in harbour at the Cove. The Duke and the rest of his family and party have already promised me this favour, and I am not prepared to accept from yourself any denial on account of those circumstances