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he's a heathen." "If it is the young Glenarvon," said Gondimar, approaching the irritated Doctor, "he is my friend." "Don't bring any of your knock me down arguments to me, Sir. His being your friend, only gives a blacker shade to his character, in my opinion." "Sir, I hate personal attacks." "A blow that hits, Count, and a cap that fits, are sure to make a sufferer look foolish, excessively foolish: not but what you did so before. I never believed in baseness and malignity till I knew the Count Gondimar." "Nor I in arrogance and stupidity, till I knew Sir Everard." "Count, you are the object of my astonishment." "And you, Sir, of my derision." "Italian, I despise you," "I should only feel mortified, if Sir Everard did otherwise." "The contempt, Sir, of the meanest, cannot be a matter of triumph." "It is a mark of wisdom, to be proud of the scorn of fools." "Passion makes me mad." "Sir, you were that before."