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At that moment, they were interrupted; a bark from Inis Tara approached the shore, and O'Kelly, Lord Glenarvon's servant, and two other men alighted. "To avoid observation, I will join my friends one moment," he said, "if you will walk gently home, I can overtake you,—but, perhaps you will await my return." "I will go home: it is late," said Calantha. He appeared much vexed; "well then I will await your return," saying this Calantha descended with him the rugged path down the cliff, and watched the lessening bark, and heard the distant shouts from some of his followers who were assembled in the cavern, as they hailed his approach to land: after which a long silence prevailed, alone interrupted by the rippling of the waves. The meeting was apparently over: there were whole parties returning from below, in different directions.

Whilst yet awaiting lord Glenarvon's return, Calantha heard the same air re-