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Glenarvon," replied the boy, with a smile of proud exultation. "D——n your sword and your seal," said the Admiral. "I like no rebel chiefs, not I; and he turned away. "Are you angry with me, uncle Richard?" "No, I am sick, child—I have the head ache." The Admiral had observed Calantha's agitation, and noted the boy's answers; for he left the room abruptly, and was cold and cross the rest of the day.

Colonel Donallan having invited the whole family and party, to his seat at Cork, Lady Trelawny and the rest of the guests now left the castle. It was possibly owing to this circumstance that the Admiral, who was not a remarkably keen observer, had opportunity and leisure to watch Calantha's conduct. In a moment she perceived the suspicion that occurred; but as he was neither very refined, nor very sentimental, it occurred without one doubt of her actual guilt, or one desire to save her from