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"Lord ma'am, I knew it would end ill, when I saw those d——d green ribbands". . . . "Who would have thought such a pretty looking gentleman would have turned out such a villain!" "He is no gentleman at all," said Sir Richard angrily. "He is a rebel, an outcast. Shame upon him." And then again the nurse's cries checked his anger, and he wept more audibly than before.

"Would you believe it, after all your kindness," said Sophia, entering her mother's room "Calantha is gone." At the words "she's gone," Mrs. Seymour fainted; nor did she for some time recover; but with returning sense, when she saw not Calantha, when asking repeatedly for her, she received evasive answers; terror again overcame her—she was deeply and violently agitated. She sent for the children; she clasped them to her bosom. They smiled upon her; and that look, was a pang beyond all others of bitter-