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left her aunt the Abbess, and the convent, and all the nuns, and went off after him, as mad as the rest. Och! you'd bless yourself to see how the folks crowd about him at the season, but they're all gone from these parts now, in hopes of saving Linden, I'm told; for you know, I suppose, that he's missing, and if he's deserted, its said they are sure to shoot him on account of the troubles."

"Three times there have been meetings in that cleft there," continued Gerald, pointing towards the Wizzard's Glen: "it was that was the first undoing of Miss St. Clare: they tell me she's all for our being delivered from our tyrants; and she prophecies so, it would do you good to hear her. Oh, they move along, a thousand at a time, in a silence would surprise you—just in the still night, and you can scarce hear them tread as they pass; but I know well when they're coming, and there is not one of us who live here about the town, would betray