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"Shame on the dastard!" exclaimed one. "We'll burn his castle," cried another. "Let us delay no longer," was murmured by all. "There are false friends among us. This is the night for action. To-morrow—who can look beyond to-morrow?" "Where is Cormac O'Leary?" said St. Clare. "He has been bribed to forsake us." "Where is Cobb O'Connor?" "He is appointed to a commission in the militia, but will serve us at the moment." "Trust not the faithless varlet: they who take bribes deserve no trust."

"Oh, God!" cried St. Clare indignantly; "have I lived to see my country bleeding; and is there not one of her children firm by her to the last?" "We are all united, all ready to stand, and die, for our liberty," replied her eager followers. "Lead on: the hour is at hand. At the given signal, hundreds, nay, thousands, in every part of the kingdom, shall rush at once to arms, and fight gallantly