Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/182

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 39 Flowanf, Flouaxuh sh. the light clinging dast in a flax-scutching mill ; email fragments of the flax stem. Flow-bogy Flow-mosa, sh. a bog through which water has flowed, or in which it lodges. Flower, sb, a bunch of flowers. Flng-flsted, left-handed. Flummery, sb. nonsense. See under Sowani. Flnsh^ (1) V, to startle a shoal of herrings at night, so that the flah indi- cate uieir presence by disturbing the surface of the water. (2) $h, a pool ; a pool of water that extends nearly across a road. (3) fledged, as young birds. Flutterick, sb. a fish. Same as Clavin. Flysome, adj. frightful ; dreadful. Fog, sb. moss. Fog-cheese, sb. a soft inferior cheese, made late in the year. Fog-harroWy sb. a harrow to clear moss away. Fog-meal, sb. a full or hearty meal. A person who has eaten too much is said to have got a * fog-fill,* or to be * fog-fu.' Fooflng, sb. the melancholy howling of a dog. Fool, cuij. foolish. E.g. 'a fool man.' Fooran, sb. a bird, the puffin. Foosted, cidj. fusty ; decaying ; having a bad smell. Foot and a half, sb. a boy's game. Foot go, sb. a sloping plank, with stout laths nailed on to assist the feet, used by masons. Footins, sb. small heaps of cut peat. See under Clampi. Footther, (1) sb. a useless, foolish, or awkward person. * You're a footther, and the duck's ill get you/ common saying. (2) V. to idle; to do anything useless. 'Don*t stasi' foctthering there.' Foottherin*, adj. handless. Footy, adj. trifling; small; mean. For. ' I'm for doing it,* i. e. I'm going to do it. * Are you for going P ' i.e. do you intend to go ? Forbears, Forebeers, sb. ancestors. Forbye, (1) adv. besides. 'There was two forbye myself.' (2) ad. very; past the common. 'Thafs & forbye good horse.' Forder, {!) sb. progress ; speed. See €h>od forder. (2) V. to assist ; to help forward.