Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/224

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ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. 81 Purre, sb, two sea birds, the tern and the black-headed gull. See Pixre and Pyrmaw. Pvtj middlin', adj, pretty well ; reply to a salutation. Puthla, 8b. See Coo-puBhla. Put down 0X16*8 foot» to come to a determmation of stopping some thing which has been going on. Put on, V. to put on clothes ; to dress oneselfl ' I had hardly time to pvi an me.' * He rose an* put on him.' Pyot, 8b. a magpie. PyrmaWi 8b, a sea bird, probably the tern or ' parre ' (HarriSi Hi8t. Co. Downy 1744). Qnaa, ttnali, sb. a marsh ; a quagmire, or shaking bog. Qnait, culj. quiet. ttnaker. ' You're not a quak&r f ' said iu bargaining to persons who will not abate the price they have asked. Qnakin^ asp, sb. a kind of poplar with trembling leaves. Qnality, sh. gentry. ttnare, ttneer, adJ, very * quare an' nice ' = very nice. Qnarter deft, 8b. a crazy person. Quern, 8b. the old hand-mill, consisting of two stones. Qney, or ttny, sb. a female calf. (Iniokens, sb. pi. couch grass. Same as Sontch grass. ttnioks, sb. pi. young thorn plants for setting. ftuo' he, V. said he. This with ^ qiio* slie, quo* /,' are in very general use. Qnnty (lnet| v. quit. * Quut yer cloddin'/ i. e. stop throwing stones. Baave, sb. a fresh water plant, Anacharis, Back comb, sb, a dressing comb. Back of mutton, sb. a breast of mutton. Bam-stam, adj. headlong ; rash. Bandy, sb. a wild reckless fellow ; an indelicate romping woman ; a scold. Bannel, v. among school-boys ; to pull the hair. a