Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/232

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ANTUIM AND DOWN GLOSSAKY. 89 Shaima-liait, ah. nothing. Same as Sorra halt, Beil a halt. Shamrookf 8b, The lesser yellow trefoil (Tri/olium minxu) is the plant the leafy part of which is worn as a shamrock on Patrick's Day (March 17 th). Bhandry-dan, sb, an old shaky and noisy car or carriage. Shanky sb. a handle. Shankt's mare, sb. on foot. ' We went there on shanks's inare,* Shanough, (1) eb, a confidential chat. (2) V. to talk confidentially ; to gossip. Sharn, sb. cow-dung. Shaver, 8b, a wag or funny fellow ; a keen, shrewd fellow. Shear, o. to reap com. Shearin', sb, the cutting of corn. Shebeen, sb, a place where intoxicating drink is sold without a license. Shebeening, r. keeping a place for the unlicensed sale of drink. Sbe-eoek, sb, corruption of ' Shake cock,* a small hay-stack built up loosely. Shedding, sb, the place where cross roads intersect. Sheela, a ' molly-coddle ' or effeminate man. SJipela is a woman's name. Sheep's naperty, sb, a plants Potentilla tormentilla, Sheerman, sb, a workman employed at a bleach green. Obsolete. " Wanted a skilful journeyman aheerman and dyer.'* — Bel/cut Newi" letter, 1739. She sole, sb. a fish, the whiff, Rhombus Megastoma, Shengh, sb, a ditch. ' I always let the sheugh build the dike,' i, e. I always let what was dug out of the ditch make the raised fence, a 8a3ring, my spending neyer exceeded my earning. * Scourin* a dyke sheugh f* cleaning out a ditch. Shill eom, sb, a small hard pimple on the face. Shilling seeds, sb, pi. the husks of oats. Shilling stones, sb, pi, the pair of stones in a corn mill which are used for taking the husks off oats. Shilty, sb, a pony (corruption of Shetland). Shin, Shoon, sb. pi, shoes. Shinnen, sb, a sinew. Shinney, sb. hockey, a boys' game, played with shinneys, i, e, hooked I sticks, and a ball or small block of wood caUed the ' golley ' or * nag.'