Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/285

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16 A GLOSSARY OF DEVONSHIRE PLANT NAMES. Clino-rasoal, Oalium Aparvne^ L. On the authority of Britten, p. 107. Clitoh-button, (1) GkUium Aparine, L. The little buns stick to the diess with great tenacity. In Gloucesterahiie and Oxford still caUed "CUte" or "Clites." In A.S. CZ(/e = a burr, Agri- mony ; and Clate was employed of a doth-bur, or a btur sticl^ig to the dothee. (Cf. Britten, p. 107 ; Earle, pp. 28, 3a) Oh ! is (yes), to be zuie, yoa ditch (stick) to Dame like a cuckel-button." — Devon, Courtship, p. 44. (Of. Cocklb-button.) (2) Arctium Lappa, L. In Earie, Plant Names, p. 52, we have : ^*Hec lappa, clete;" p. 46, "Lappa, bardane, clote;" p. 28, *^Ap- paeina, cHfe," with this note : " This must be Apparine, now Oalium Aparine; Cleavers." {Cf. ibid. pp. 12, 13, 92, &c. ; Prior, p. 48.) Clivbn, Clivbb, Galium Aparine, L. (Cf, Clidbn, Clitoh Buttons.) Clot, or Clotb, NupJiur hUea, Sm. {Cf. Britten's note, p. 108 ; Earle, p. 46.) Cooklb, Vinca major, L. By a curious confusion of the flower Periwinkle with the fish, and of periwinkles with cockle& Such a confusion could only originate away from the sea. It must be remarked that though I got the name from an intelligent person of good position living in Devonshire, she probably brought it from Gloucester. It is not a distinctively Devonshire name. Cookle Button, Cucklb Button, or Cuokel's Button, Arctium Lappa, L. Here there is no such confusion as in the foregoing example, although we have the same word. Cuckold -buttons is another name for the Burdock flower-heads, and the loss of d as a final letter is very common in Devonshire. (Trans. Devon. Assoc, vii. 439.) Devonshire Courtship, p. 65, " Cuckle-button, the burr, the flower of the burdock." Supra, Clitch-button. {Cf, Earle, p. 42; Britten, pp. 112, 114; Prior, p. 51.) Cock Robin, Lychnis diuma. Sib. {dioica, L.) The common name for the Ked Campion in North Devon. See Robin. Cooks-and-Hens, Plantago lancsolata, L. {Cf Hard-heads. See Britten, p. 113.) Codlins and Crbam, EpiloUum hirsutum, L. A name of wide- spread use. {Cf Apple-pie Flower; and Britten, p. 114; Prior, p. 51.) Cole, Pio*8. {Cf Pig's Cole. Clavis Oaletularia, i. p. 62; Earle, p. 56.) CoLit-PLANTS. "Go about zitting in zome cole-plants and pot- harbs." {Devon, Courtship, p. 58.) Colt's- FOOT, Tussilago Farfara, L. By no means confined to Devon ; in &ct, the roost usual name for the plant in England. (Britten, p. 115 ; Prior, p. 51 ; Earle, p. 16.) Colt's-tail, (1) Equisetum arvense, L., and, from its similarity (2) Hippuris vulgaris, L. In Sussex often called Joint Grass,*' and in some parts of England ** Cat's-taiL (See Britten, pp. 93, 94.)