Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/328

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A GL06SABY OF DEVONSHIRE PLANT NAMES, 59 Galwptis Tetrahdt,lu Blind NetUe. Cfalium Apariney U CUder, CHden, Oliver, Cliven, ding-raacaly OHtdi- bnttons, Sweethearts. Oenmwm BoberUawum, L. Arb-rabbit, Bachelor'B Buttcms, BirdVeye, Herb Robert, Robin, Robin-Hood, Robin's-eye, Wild Geranium. C£. Lyehnia, Gewn urhanumy L. Ram's-foot-rooU Gladioltu commtrnw, L. Fox-glove, Jacob's Ladder. Glauciwn lutewm, ll Horn Popp^. Gfnerivm argwiteum^ L. Australian Qrass, Prince's Feather. Heloiciadiium nodiflorumy K. Billers. C£ Eeraclewn. HeUebonu wigery L. Winter Rose. Horadeum Sphondyliumy L. Billers, Caddell, Gadweed, Pig's Cole. Hyaoinihuif L. Hyercind, Irednd. HyaeinthMB funucHjptusy L. See Seilla niUans, Hypericum AndroKmiwn, L. Sweet Lea^ Titsum. Hypericum calycinvmy L. Aaron's-beard. Hex Aquifoliumf L. Christmas, Crocodile, Holm. Iri$ Pteudaeoruif L. Daggers, Dragon-flower, Fbtts, Lewer, Water lily. Irie foBUdMrnOj L. Daggers, Poison-berries, Snake's-meat JcmMnum offiemaUy L. Jessama, Jessame. Juneusy L. BuUmah, Kexen. Kerria Japoniea, L. CI Oorckcrui Jap&nicue. Lamium alintmy L. Archangel, Deaf or Blind Nettle, Stingy Nettle, White Stin^ Nettle. LawMndula Spica, L. Speke. LeofUodon TaraoMcumy ll Qrumsel. Lepidiwn eaUvumy L. Pepper Cress. Ltmutrum wUga/rey L. Pivert. Luivm Martagofiy L. Crumple Lily. Linaria vulgarisy Much. Butter-and-Eggs, Eggs-and-Bacon, Eggs-and- Butter, Rabbits. LvMuria CymbcUariay Mill. Mother-of-Millions, Mother-of-Thousands, Roving Sailor, Wanderins Sailor. Lippia citrwdoray Kth. Cf. Aloyeia, Lobelia wrenSy L. Flower of the Axe. LoUum perewMy L. Aver, Devon Ewer, Eavei*, Ever, Iver. LoiuecomieuUUusylu Boots-and-shoes,Finger8-and-Thumbs,Lady'sBoot8. Luncaria biennisy L. Honesty, Money-plant, Money-in-both-Pockets, Silks-and-Satins. Lychnis Fla-^uculiy L. Cuckoo-flower, Raggjed Robin. I^dvnii diwmay Sibth. Biid's Eye, Bull'sEye, Cock-Robin, Cuckoo- flower, Qeuky-flower, Poor Robin, Robin, Robin Hood, Robin's Eye, Red Robin, Bound Kobin. Lychme chakedowieay L. Scarlet Lightning. Malva sylvestrisy L. Cheeses. Chock Cheese, Mallow, Marsh Mallish, Maui Mallish, Mesh Mallish. Marasmiui oreadesy Fries. Pixie Stool. MaUhida incana, Br. Gilliflower.