Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/543

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14 HAMPSHIRE QLOSSART. Callards [kal'urdz], sh. pi. cabbage. Isle of Wight — ^F. M. Camber [kam'bur], v. a, to bend. — N. H. Camber, sb, 'on the camber,' bent, bowed. — N. H. Cammock [kamnik], sb. ' In Hampshire almost any yellow flower, as S. John's Wort, Fleabane, Bagwort, &a is called Cammock.* — ^Mr. G>. B. Corbin in lit. — J. B. Cammocky-Cheese [kamuki-cheezl, cheese made from milk flayoured with Best-harrow. — J. The Best-harrow, Ononis spinosa, being called Cammock in Hants. See above. — ^W. H. 0. Camshetting [kam'shuting], sb. boarding to keep np gravel ; as the flooring of a wooden brid^ ; planking protecting a bajik. — N. H. Cane [kain], sb. a small weasel ; ' a little reddish beast^ not much, bigger than a field-mouse, but much longer, which they call a cane. ' — -White's Nat. Hist, of Sdbome, Letter xy. * The animal here spoken of by White is probably only the female of the common weasel, which is constantly smaller than the male.' —Note by Bey. L. Jenyns. Canker [kan*kur], sb. (1) A fungus, a toadstool — Wise, New Forest, ♦Ak. (2) A sore.— N. H. Cankered [kan-kurd], ac(j. sore. £z. ' That dog's ear is cankered,' — N.H. Cant [kantl v. a. (1) To tilt up or put into a sloping position. — N. H. (2^ To jerk. (3) To cant oE ; to let an object slip or falL — Cooper. Cantankerous, adj. contentious, quarrelsome. *Ak. Com. Cargo [kaar'goa], sb. a hamper of good things from home. — Adams' Wykehamica, p. 418. Carriage [kar*r'ij], sb. (1) A drain, water-carriage. *Ak. (2) A waggon-load. Ex. ' I expect hell haye a carriage of wheat in Basingstoke market o' Wednesday.* — N. BL Cass [kas], sb. a spar used in thatching. — Wise, New Forest, See Spar-gad. Cassey [kas'i], sb. a causeway. — Wise. Cass'n [kas'n], 2nd p. s. pr. (thou) canst not. ♦Ak. Cassock [kas'uk], sb. any kind of binding weed. — ^Wise, New Forest, p. 166. Casty [kaasti], sb. a cask ; as, a ' casty of beer.' — F. M. Note. — Sir E. M. wiites it caste, which can hardly mean anything but casty. Caterwise [kai'turweiz], adv. diagonally. — J. Cafs eye [kats ei], sb. Germander Speedwell, Veronica Cham- cedrys. —N. H Cat*s head, [kats bed], sb. the name of a kind of apple. — Wise.