Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/551

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22 HAMPSHIRE GLOSSARY. Cabbidy. See Cooppidy. Cubby-bole [kub'i-hoal], sb. a snug place. *Ak. Probably for cup-board hole, Cnokoo-day [kuok'oo-dai], sh, the day on vhicb. Eeanlien fair is held, Apnl 1 5. There is a local proverb, * The cuckoo eoes to Beaulieu Fair to buy him a great-coat; ' because he arriyes about that timeu —Wise, New Forest, p. 180. Cuckoo-flower [kuok'oo-flour], tb. Cardamine pratensis. — J. B. Cuckoo-flower Fkuok'oo-flour], sb. Orchis mascnla. The name is differently applied in different counties. In the Midland Counties it is often the lady's-smock (Cardamine pratensis), and in the more northern counties the wood-sorrel {Orchis acetosella) ; each appearing at the particular period when the cuckoo arrives. In Shakesp. Lovers Labour's Lost^ v. 2, the * cuckoo-buds of yellow hue ' is said of the lesser celandine. — ^Wise. Cuckoo-spit [kaok'oo-spit], sb, the fine white froth on plants, which covers the larva of the Cicada spumans. Otherwise frog-spit and toad- spit.— F, M. Cud [kud], adj. pretty, nice. — Winch. Sch. Gl. Pleasant; possibly [from] Couth, Couthy. — Adams* Wyhehamica, p. 421. Cues [keu'z] sb. pi, shoes for oxen. — Lisle. *Ak. Cull [kul], Tom Cull, sb. the fish called the ' miller's thumb.' Culls [kulz], sb. pi. inferior sheep separated from the rest of the flock. From cull^ to choose. — Cooper. CuBnation [kuznai'shun], adj. an epithet compounded of curse and > 'nation. •Ak. Cut [kut], sb, a method of drawing lots. [The method, described, is merely interesting as showing that the old word cut'vsm use at Win- chester]. — Winch. Sch. Gl. Cute [keut], adj. acute. *Ak. Com. Cut-thorn [kut-thaun], sb. the perambulation of the limits of the borough of Southampton is so called. — F. M. Cnt4horn is, in fact, the name of an enclosure which is one of the boundaries visited in the nerambulation. Davies, Hist, of Southampton, p. 50 and passim. — W . H. C Cuttran, Cutty [kut "ran, kuti], sh. a wren. Cutty is the commoner term ; cuUran is a contraction of cutty-iuren, — ^Wise, New Forest. Dab [dab], sh. (1) A blow. Ex. ' A geart dab in the chaps.' (2) A proficient Ex. * He's a dab at that work.' — J. Dabster [dab-stur], sb. a proficient. *Ak. Daddiok [dadik], sb. rotten wood. *Ak. Daddioky [dad'iki], adj. decayed, rotten. ♦Ak. Ex. ^ Daddicky wood.'— Wise.