Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/591

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62 HAMPSHIRE GLOSSARY. Nibs [nibz], eh, pi, the short handles of a scjthe. — ^Wise, New Fored. See Snead. Niest [neist], adj, nighest^ nearest. *Ak. Night-orow [neit-kroa], sh, the goat-sacker. — ^Wise, New Forest^ p. 270. Night-hawk [neit-hauk] , sb, the goat-sucker. See A. Y. Lev. xL 16 ; Deut. ziv. 15. la the G^neyan Version in the same texts it is called the night-crow , as above. — ^Wise, New Forest y p. 193. See Oround-hawk, Jar-bird. Nightjar [neit-jaa], eh, the goat-siicker, Caprimtdgus, — N. H. Nine-bobble square [neln-bobi skwair], adj, bent or distorted everj way but the right.—-!'. M. Nine-galley-west, old scunner's- point [nein-gal*i-west, oald-gun'orz- point], as adj, with nearly the same meaning as the preceding. — ^F. ML Nine-lhenVmorrice [nein-menz-mor'is], sh, a game played with counters. — J. Nipper [nip-ur], sb, a boy, a fellow, a chap. — ^N. H. Nipperkin [nip'urkin], sb, a large stone jag for beer, of which there was one in each ' chamber.' — Winch, 8ch, 01, Nire, Nigher [neim], adJ, nearer. *Ak. Nitch, Nidge [nich, nij], sb. (!) A small quantity of hay or com ; less than Ajohbet, — Grose; Warner; F. M. (2) A bundle of faggots. (3) The 'bush* belonging to the 'man in the moon.' — "Wise, New Forest, *Ak. says — * He li^ got a nitch,* i. e. he is drunk. See Knitch. Nobbut [nob'ut], adv. none but ; only. — J. No call [noa kaul], phr, no reason, no obligation. Ex. * He had no call to go ' = He was not compelled to go. ' YouVe no call to be afeard ' = You have no reason to be afraioL — ^N. H. No oonnt Fnoa kount], sb, no account, of no value ; not worth any- thing. Ex. ' It be'ant no count ' = It is of no value. ' That chap be*ant no count ' = He is a worthless fellow. — N. H. Noggly, noddly [nog'li, nod'li], adj, weak, trembling. Ex. ' My knees be so noggly.* — N. H- No-how [noa-hou], adv. not in any way at all. Ex. * I can't abide it no'how. — J. Nonce, for the [nons], phr, on purpose, designedly. Ex. 'He did it for tJie nonce* — Cooper. Nonsnch [non*such], sb, Medicago lupuUna. — ^HoUowaVs Dictionary, T. B. Noration [noraishun], sb. a piece of news. Ex. ' There's a naratton for he. '--J. Evidently used for narration: