Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/599

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70 HiJCPSHIBE GLOSSARY. Puddling about [padlin a'boatl part, wasting time on trifles. — N. H. Pnffballs [puf *banlz1, sh. pi, Lycoperdon gtganieum and other species. — Holloway's Dictionary. — J. B. Pug [pug], sb. a kind of loam. — Cooper. Used in the Kew FoiesL —Wise. Fulting, eb. See Poult Pumple-fi)0t6d [pumpi fuot'ed], adj. dub-foofced. — Cooper. Pure [peur], adj. well, in good health. — N. and Q. Ist Ser. z. 120. Pur^y [peurlil adv. (1) The same as Pure. Ex. 'Quite purely^ quite welL *Ak. (2) Extremely. Ex. ' 'TisinireZy mild. —J. Purl [purl], V. to turn round, as clouds veer with the wind. — ^W. Pur-lamb [pur-lam], Bb. a male lamb. — ^lisle. Purly [puT'li], adj. weak-sighted. ♦Ak. Pussy-cats [puos'i-kats], Bb. pL. Catkins of Salix. — Hollowa3r's Dictionary, '-^. B. Putlug [put'lug], sb. the horizontal pole which supports the boards oi a scaffold. —N. H. Putlug-holes [put'lug-hoalz], sb, pi. spaces in a wall where the put- lug entered, and which are filled up after the scaffold is struck. — N.H. Pwint [pwoint], «&. a pint ♦Ak. Quag [kwag], sb. a quagmire. — ^W. Quag^le [kwogi], v. to shake like jelly. — J. Quar [kworl, sb. the udder of a cow or sheep when hard after calymg or lambing. — ^Wise, New Fortst. Quar, t;. to work in a quarry. *Ak. Quarred [kword], adj. * Beer is said to be quarred^ when it diinks hard or rough. —Wise, New Forest. Quarrel [kwor'ul], sb. a square of window-glass. *Ak. Quarries [kwor'iz], sb. pi. the diamond-shaped panes of a leaded casement — ^N. H. Compare French Carri. Quat [kwot], sb, a pimple, small boil, small blister. See Othello, Y. i. 11. — W. Also called quiU. Quat t;. to squat *Ak. (who spells it qwat). Quat-vessel [kwot-ves-l], sb. Carduus lanceolatue. — J. R Querking [kwurk-in], j>ar^. grumbling. Ex. * He be alius guerking.^ Quest [kwest], sh a wood-pigeon. *Ak. Not common in Hants,