Page:Goblin Market and Other Poems - C G Rossetti (1862, 1st ed).djvu/26

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Fresh on their mother's twigs,
cherries worth getting;
You cannot think what figs
My teeth have met in,
What melons icy-cold
Piled on a dish of gold
Too huge for me to hold,
What peaches with a velvet nap,
Pellucid grapes without one seed:
Odorous indeed must be the mead
Whereon they grow, and pure the wave they drink
With lilies at the brink,
And sugar-sweet their sap."

Golden head by golden head,
Like two pigeons in one nest
Folded in each other's wings,
They lay down in their curtained bed:
Like blossoms on one stem,
Like two flakes of new-fall'n snow,