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POSTDILUVIAN HISTORY, from the Flood to the Call of Abram, as set forth in the early portions of the Book of Genesis, Critically Explained. Royal 12mo. ds. cloth, lettered. YSELDON. — A Perambulation of Islington. By Thomas Edltnb Tomlins, Esq. Price Ss.M,, royal Bvo., and Us., demy 4to., cloth ; with Engravings and a Plan of the Locality.

    • Mr. Edlyne Tomlios* book is a very superior prodaetlon, displaying in-

dnstiy, erudition, and a cnltiTated mind. He has songbt to take a more enlarged view of the Antiquities of Islington than that which has been pre> aented by his predeoessorB, and has produced a book of Interest and value.** —BtiUder. '* In treating Mr. Tomlins* book, we have had in view the amusement of our readers, not without an idea to their edification alsa We are boond to add, that there is a worid of matter in the voiume, which will bore them to death, If they be not Anticjuarians, or Geologists, or Genealogists, or curious in Andent Law, or not indifferent to Topographical details skllfiilly carried out litis is saying, in other words, that there is something for all these dasses in this Perambulation.***— ^fAaMnisn.

    • As complete a piece of local history as one can well desire

Mr. Tomlins has executed his task in a thorough and masterly manner ; and has made a valuable contribution to the materials of general antiquarian research.'*— Clerical JoumaL " It is difBcnlt to point out what Ifr. Tomlins has left unsaid In these

  • Perambulations,* which not only interest the resident of the locality, but

will amuse the m<Hre general reader and student of histofy.**— 7^ Booktdler. Dedicated, by Permission, To the Rt Hon. Viscount Palmerston, G.C.B. THE PHYSICIAN FOR ALL; his Philosophy, his Experi- ence, and his Mission. Second Curriculum : — Treats of the Constitution of the Blood, its Disorders and their Treatment ; and SpedficaUy on Pulmonary, Renal, and Skin Diseases ; with Ob- servations on Anomalous Ailments. By John Spuroin, M.D., Fellow of the Royal College of Pbysidans, and of the Cambridge Philosophical Sodety; Senior Physidan to the Foundling Hos- pital; and Honorary Physidan to St. Mark's Hospital. 8vo. Price 7«. doth. " This dever and eccentric book will amuse the general reader, while it cannot fall in many respects to instruct him. Its topic is the paramount In- fluence of the blood in the determination <^ health or disease, and the author contrives to evdve in the course of it a great deal of very useflxl and trust, worthy infbrmation and advice.*'— JE!ramt»er. d by Google