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God, and keep thy "only begotten son" to thyself, and make a kirk and mill of him. Will you only do this, Lord God, and you and I will be friends forever.

5. That last question is my main one. Will you not expose this redemption sham and enjoin upon man to gird up his loins and redeem himself? For Godsake turn his eyes away from that well-meaning rustic who may or may not have been crucified some 2,000 years ago. Direct man to rely upon righteousness and love and high endeavour to redeem himself from crime and sorrow and man's inhumanity to man. Will you do this? This is my question, and the other trifles I hardly care whether you answer or no. Do not answer them if it give you the least trouble. But, if drawing your attention to the matter does not inconvenience you, you might be good enough to say whether the exhumation of certain tablets in Assyria does not prove that the Sabbath you instituted when you had done "creating" the world was not known in the world centuries before either you or your friend Moses were in existence ? According to your Book, it is only 6,000 years since you "created" the world, and it can be proved that the Sabbath was celebrated in that part of the world known as Assyria long before the world was "created" and before Jehovah had been invented. How do you account for this? If you cannot make it out, ask David. If he cannot answer you, ask Sarah. Anachronism! Poor God!—Man was in the world long before you were, and he will be in it long after you are dead.