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detailing results reached. Messrs. Abbot and Buckingham will continue to act as a committee for the Institution on the matter, and you will communicate directly to them any details on which you may like to consult.

I am enclosing herewith a voucher and check to your order for $1,000.00, as the first payment on account of the above-named grant. It is not expected, of course, that you will submit receipts for every small item of expenditure, but a list of expenditures should be submitted from time to time, to be accompanied, where it is practicable, by receipted bills. Should a larger payment at this time be necessary to carry on the work, will you be good enough to so advise me. I should also be glad, when future payments are required, if you will notify me a few days in advance.

With best wishes for complete success in your interesting and valuable investigation, I am,

Very truly yours,

C. D. Walcott

Professor Robert H. Goddard,
Clark College,
Worcester, Mass.