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it of a nature similar to that of the faint ring of Saturn. This idea would countenance the opinion held by some astronomers, that the zodiacal light is an appendage of the earth and not of the sun. There are, however, inexplicable difficulties in the supposition that the zodiacal light is a nebulous terrestrial zone. Whether we refer it to the earth or sun, it stands as an element of concentric structure.

We have reason to believe that Saturn, as well as Jupiter, is constructed on a similar concentric plan, and that his belts are indications of an internal envelope. But does the similarity between the sun and Saturn cease here? By no means; the grand peculiarity of Saturn has its analogue in the sun. Saturn has a series of concentric rings, but so has the sun. Where are they? it will be asked; we have no hesitation in answering that the zone of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, as well as the zodiacal light, are fairly analogous. Take the bright rings of Saturn, and let us compare it with the zone of asteroids. These rings have all the appearance of being solid bodies, when you take only a cursory glance, but on more minute inspection, proofs leading to an opposite conclusion will be found. There is only one large dark division, but a smaller one at both ends of the ansæ dividing the outer ring into two, is sometimes seen. The views, however, are so capricious, that the observer is naturally led to the conclusion, that there are changes going on in the constitution of the rings. Again,