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Volume (Earth's = 1), 0.1364
Mass (Earth's = 1), 0.1324
Density (Earth's = 1), 0.972
Diameter (Earth's = 1), 0.519
Diameter— — — in miles, 4070
Diameter— — —, apparent, mean, 5″.8
Diameter, apparent,— — — minimum, 3″.3
Diameter, apparent,— — — maximum. 23″-5
Gravity (Earth's = 1), 0.49
In one second of time bodies fall, in feet, 7.9
Time of rotation on axis, 24h. 37m. 22s.
Revolution, sidereal, in days, 686.97945
Revolution,— — — synodical. 779.836
Light and heat from Sun (Earth's = 1), 0.43
Polar less than equatorial diameter. 1-16th
Distance from the Sun, mean, in miles, 145,750,000
Distance from the Sun,— — — mean, (Earth's = 1), 1.523691
Distance from the Sun,— — —maximum, 1.665779
Distance from the Sun,— — —minimum. 1.381602
Eccentricity of orbit (semi-axis major = 1) 0.93258
Eccentricity of orbit— — —, annual increase, 0.00000090176
Longitude of perihelion, 332° 23′ 56″.6
Longitude— — — annual increase, 15″-8
Longitude— — — ascending node. 48° 0′ 3″-5
Inclination of orbit to ecliptic, 2″-8
Inclination of orbit to ecliptic,— — — annual decrease. 0″.014
Mean daily motion in orbit. 31′ 26″-7
Inclination of axis to the ecliptic, 59° 41′ 49″
Greatest arc of retrogradation, 19° 35′
Edge of south polar spot from pole in winter, 35°
Edge of south polar spot from pole— — — in summer.
Brightness of polar spots (mean brightness = 1), 2