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Comets calculated before 1849, retrograde, 100
Great comet of 1861, distance from the Earth on June 30, . 17,000,000
Great comet of 1861,— — — surmised by Hind that the Earth passed through its tail, 30th June
Great comet of 1861,— — — length of tail as seen at Rome 118°
Great comet of 1861, length of tail— — — as seen at Paris 45°
Great comet of 1861,— — — polarisation of tail strong, but no trace in nucleus till 3d July
Great comet of 1861,— — — tail seen to flicker and disappear for an instant. 4th July
Encke's comet, before perihelion, diameter diminished in two months to 1-90th
Encke's comet— — — after perihelion, diameter increased in six days from 1 to . 40
Rotation of comet of 1825 (doubtful), 19h. 37m.
Mass of Lexell's comet less than (Earth's = 1) 1-5000th
Chances unfavourable to collision between earth and a comet (comet's diam. = l-4th of earth's), 281,000,000

Number of binary systems with assigned periods, about 15
Period of Castor, with semi-axis of 8", in years, 252
Period of— — — χ Ursro Majoris, with semi-axis of 3″.8 59
Period of— — — γ Virginis, with semi-axis of 3″.6, 182
Causes of colour in stars, intrinsic and complementary, 2

Number of stars covered by the Moon in parts of the Milky Way, 2000
Number of stars— — — in some clusters, 50,