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Consolation in Poverty.

To those poor who follow Christ this gospel is full of consolation, as it shows that from the very beginning of the world God has cared for His children. For the comfort and preservation of His chosen people He sent Joseph before them into Egypt (Gen. xlv. 5; Ps. civ. 4). He sustained the children of [Israel during forty years in the wilderness with bread from heaven (Deut. viii.). He fed the prophet Elias, sending him and flesh by a raven (iii. Kings xvii. 6). He remembered lying in the lions den (Dan. xiv. 37). In the New Testament also God has shown His care for His own By nourishing and feeding them in their greatest need, at times through the instrumentality of animals and at times by that of angels and of men as we read in the lives of the saints.


In Thy power and goodness, O my God, I put my trust. I firmly believe if I fear Thee, and do what is right, I shall, though poor here, after this life have abundance of good things from Thee.