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Why are these matins called " Tenebree "? Because they are usually said in the evening, and because, also, they are mournful, and call us to sorrow.

Why is this service held at night?

In memory: 1. Of the evening when Christ was by force taken prisoner, like a murderer. 2. Of the darkness which lasted three hours at His crucifixion. 3. Of the spiritual darkness, confusion, and grief which prevailed in the minds of His disciples during Our Saviour's passion. 4. Of the darkness which overspread mankind while Jesus was suffering for them.

What is meant by extinguishing, one after another, the twelve lights on the triangular candlestick, and finally all the rest?

The twelve lights signify the twelve apostles, and the extinguishing of them is to represent how, one after another, they deserted Jesus. The putting out of all the lights reminds us of the darkness which prevailed upon the earth at the death of Jesus, of the blindness of the Jews, and of the gradual extinguishment of belief in Him.

What is the meaning of the last light which is hidden for awhile, and then brought forth again when all is ended?

It signifies Christ, Whose body was buried in the grave, from which He soon after arose by His own power, and thereby showed Himself more clearly than before to be the Light of the world.

What is signified by the noise made at the end of "Tenebrae," while the last light is hidden?

It signifies the earthquake at the death of Jesus.

Holy Thursday, on Maundy Thursday

On this day the Church commemorates the institution of the holy sacrifice of the Mass and of the Blessed Eucharist, or the Sacrament of the Altar. The Introit of the Mass of the day is as follows: " We ought to glory in the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in Whom is our salvation, life, and resurrection, by Whom we have been saved and delivered. May God have mercy on us and bless us; may He cause the light of His countenance to shine upon us, and may He have mercy on us."