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know and lament the monstrous crime which they committed against Christ, and this He effected particularly at Pentecost.

2. Of justice, by teaching the innocence and holiness of Jesus, on account of which God gave Him a kingdom, and required men to worship Him as the true God.

3. Of judgment, by everywhere overcoming the prince of darkness, destroying his kingdom, casting down the temples of idolatry, and in their place, by seemingly weak means, establishing the kingdom of truth and virtue.

How does the Holy Ghost teach all truths?

By preserving the pastors and teachers of the Church from all errors, in their teaching of faith and morals, and by instructing each, member of the Church in the truths of salvation.


Whither am I going? Will my life bring me to God? O my God and my Lord, direct my feet in the way of Thy commandments, and keep my heart free from sin, that the Holy Ghost, finding nothing in me worthy of punishment, may teach me all truth, and bring me safely to Thee, Who art the eternal truth. Amen.

Fifth Sunday after Easter

Introit of the Mass is again a joyful thanksgiving for our redemption. " Declare the voice of joy, and let it be heard, alleluia; declare it even to the ends of the earth; the Lord hath delivered His people, alleluia, alleluia" (Isaias xlviii. 20). " Shout with joy to God, all the earth, sing ye a psalm to His name, give glory to His praise." Glory be to the Father, etc.


O God, from Whom all good things proceed, grant to Thy suppliants that by Thy inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by Thy direction perform them. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, etc.

EPISTLE. James i. 23-27.

Dearly Beloved: Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only: deceiving your own selves. But if a man be a hearer of