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Christ made known the true knowledge of God to men who were in spiritual darkness, that is, in error and ignorance, but they would not receive His holy teaching. This is still the case with those who, notwithstanding the preaching of the Gospel, Will not believe, and particularly with those hardened sinners who will not return to God, although He pours upon them the light of His grace to move them to penance.

Who is meant by him who "came to bear witness of that light"?

St. John the Baptist, who endeavored by his preaching to prepare the Jews for the coming of Christ, and who testified before the whole world that He was the expected King and Messias.

How are we made children of God?

By the grace which we receive in holy Baptism.

What is to be understood by, "the Word was made flesh?"

We are to understand by it that the Word was not changed into human nature, but that He became incarnate by the Holy Ghost, of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, uniting in one person the two natures, divine and human. He was the God- man, Who walked among men thirty-three years, marking every step by favors and benefits. He assumed, says St. Leo, the nature of man, who was to be reconciled to God, in order that Satan, the author of death, might be overcome by that same nature which he had before conquered; and thus Our Lord and Saviour vanquished our most cruel enemy, not in majesty, but in humility.

What is the meaning of, "and we saw His glory, the glory of the only-begotten of the Father?"

The evangelist hereby indicates that he and his fellow- apostles were permitted to see the glory of the God-man; for instance, on Mount Thabor; in His miracles; in His glorious resurrection and ascension. Thus they saw Him and knew that He was the true Son of God, the fountain of all good, from which all receive life, and light, and grace (John i. 16).


O God, Father in heaven, Who, in the form of an amiable child, hast given to us poor sinners this past night Thy only-