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What else is to be learned from this gospel?

First, widows may learn from Anna, who departed not from the temple, how to serve God, by fasting and prayer, " for the widow that liveth in pleasures is dead while she is living (i. Tim. v. 6). Secondly, parents may learn to be careful that their children increase not only in skill and wealth, but rather in the grace of God, by living pious, edifying, and peaceable lives be fore God and men.


To-day is the last Sunday in the year. Ponder with care on the truths and doctrines which the holy Church has laid be fore thee in the epistles and gospels; thank God with thy whole heart for the great favors and benefits which thou hast received in the incarnation and birth of Jesus Christ; examine thyself also whether thy faith is living and efficient, that thou mayest have the hope of being a child and heir of God; ask thyself whether, during the past year, Christ has been thy fall or thy resurrection? hast thou confessed Him in heart and deed, or hast thou been a Christian only in name? With such exercises and examinations occupy thy mind until the New Year, that thou mayest be prepared to begin it worthily.

New Year's Day, the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord.

Why do we call this New Year's Day?

Because the civil year begins on this day, as the ecclesiastical does on the first Sunday in Advent.

What ought we to do on this day?

We must dedicate the New Year to the service of God, in order that, assisted by His grace, we may both begin and end it to His honor, and our own sanctification.

Why do we wish each other a happy New Year? To renew love and harmony, and to fulfil an obligation of charity by wishes for each other's happiness and prosperity.

What feast does the Church celebrate on this day? The circumcision of Christ, at which He received the name of Jesus. " But when the fulness of time was come, God sent